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Pacha Fruits is an Ecuadorian company that believes in the dreams and values the efforts of hundreds of farmers who work hard on the land every day.
That effort is harvested in premium fruits and vegetables that are enjoyed in every bite.

About us

Verduras crudas

Our mission

The problem
The small Ecuadorian farmer does not have the tools and facilities to export their products by their own means. Usually, they sell their harvest to large corporations for less than fair price.


Pacha Fruits collects and gathers products from small farmers, guaranteeing their growth opportunities through fair deals. Additionally, support is provided so that they can obtain international quality and sustainability certifications.

Our value proposition

We connect small Ecuadorian farmers with high quality fruits and vegetables consumers around the ‘pacha’, that means world in Quechua. 

Image by Zdeněk Macháček



Our crops are located in Ecuador

  • Country located in South America

  • Extension: 283.561 Km2 

  • It belongs to the 12 most mega diverse countries in the world

Among its various recognitions for its natural heritage, Ecuador is known as the "Country of Birds"; species whose beauty, uniqueness and love for fruits inspired the creation of Pacha Fruits.


Frozen Products

Get to know our line of frozen Pacha Fruits products: 

  • Frozen Fruit Pulp

  • IQF Fruits

  • IQF Vegetables

  • Frozen Vegetable Mix

 Download our brochure to learn more.

Image by Azzedine Rouichi

Certifications of
our producers

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